Friday, November 30, 2007

Old Year's Party

The Trinidad & Tobago Multicultural Association of Windsor presents the Ultimate New Year's Eve Party at the Coconut Tree Bar. Live Entertainment will be provided by Universal Xpression Band & Dragon, WD Productions (DJ).

Get your tickets early because this event will sell out!!

Location: The Coconut Tree Bar & Lounge. 655 University Avenue West, Windsor

Time: 10:00pm - 4:00am (Dinner served at 8:00pm)

Admission: $25.00 Adv. Tickets ($30.00 at door) Includes food, favours & champagne toast

For information and tickets contact: Kamla - (519) 948-0215, Neil - (519) 735-0933, Universal - (313) 378-4173, Dexter - (248) 640-8152 in Detroit



Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Back in Times FETE!!

Call the babysitter and put on your dancing shoes because we are having a Back in Time Fete on Saturday, November 17th!

Location: Coconut Tree Lounge

655 University Ave West Windsor ON

For information call: 519-735-0933 or 519-979-4942
Detroit: 248-640-8152

Tickets: $5 in advance. More at the door

Pssst.... Stay Tuned for info on our upcoming Old Years Night Party!!!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Women's Group - Girl's Night Out

Are you interested in an opportunity for us to meet and get to know each other? 
Join us at our Women's Group - Girl's Night Out in December.
 Dinner/drinks  are optional and at your own cost.

For more info or to RSVP send and email to Kamla at

Date: Saturday, December 8, 2007
Place: Applebee's at Walker Rd./Division

Time: 6:00pm

Children's Halloween Party!!

Bring the Kids out for an afternoon of fun and festivities. We are hosting our first Children's Halloween party on Saturday October 27th,2007.

Location: The Roseville Community Centre, 6500 Roseville Gardens Drive


Thursday, October 11, 2007

Pictures from our first Glow Cruise on the Detroit River

In August the Trinidad & Tobago Multicultural Club held it's first island style Cruise on the Detroit river. Attendees had a great time wining down to sounds of pan and Trini music. If you didn't make it this year, next year is definitely a must!


Monday, October 8, 2007

T&T Windsor Club featured in October's Biz X magazine!!

The Trinidad and Tobago Multicultural Club's first Caribbean Cruise was featured in this month's Biz X Magazine. Click here to view the cruise pictures on page 36.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Upcoming Event: A Caribbean River Cruise

A Caribbean River Cruise: Bringing a little piece of the islands to the Detroit River

Date: Saturday August 18th, 2007 @ 10:00 pm on the Detroit Princess Riverboat

The boat will be leaving the port at Atwater Drive ( Detroit Riverfront) at 10 pm.

Presented by the Trinidad & Tobago Multicultural Association of Windsor

Great Food. Music by WD Productions, Live Steelband performances, Cash Bar
A portion of the procees to benefit the Trevor Dyett fundraiser.

Tickets: $50 Cdn per person
$90 per couple

Call for tickets


Detroit: 248.640.8152


Upcoming Club Meeting

Upcoming Meeting, Sunday July 8th

Zehrs community room at Parkway Mall, Tec./Lauzon at 1:30pm. Sunday July 8th.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Pictures from our first Potluck Dinner

Pictures from Trinidad & Tobago Club's First Potluck Dinner. Enjoy!

Interim Executive Committee

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Meeting on Sunday, June 10th @ Sobey's Tecumseh Mall, at 1:00pm

Please note that we are having another meeting in order for us to get 
everyone to register as members and to hand in the fees and form on
this day.

Date: Sunday, June 10th @ Sobey's Tecumseh Mall, at 1:00pm

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

May General Meeting

June General Meeting

Date: Sunday, June 3, 2007
Place: Sobey's Tecumseh Mall - Community Room(Upstairs)
7654 Tecumseh Road East
Time: 1:00pm - 3:30p

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Join us for T&T Windsor Club's first Potluck Dinner is on Sunday May 6th!!

The T&T Windsor Club is hosting their first Pot Luck Dinner on Sunday, May 6, 2007 at 3:30 pm at the Roseville Gardens Community Centre. This will be a good chance for us to get our club known within the community and for us to lay the foundations for future endeavours.

We want this event to be well attended as we are inviting the media. It will help give us some legitimacy in our fundraising events.

I encourage those of you who haven't yet committed to the event to come out and help us grow. We are asking that you let us know ASAP what dish you plan to bring. Thanks to all of you who have already committed to the event. We also encourage you to bring along someone(friend, neighbour etc) to experience our culture.

The Trinidad and Tobago Multicultural Association, so far, is off to a great start! Let's build on it and have events where we can experience our culture and our people.

If you have any questions contact:
Neil McEachrane at (519 735 0933)

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

NATIONAL EMBLEMS of Trinidad & Tobago



The Coat of Arms of Trinidad and Tobago was designed by a committee formed in 1962 to select the symbols that would be representative of the people of Trinidad and Tobago. The committee included noted artist Carlyle Chang and designer the late George Bailey. The Coat of Arms with the accompanying motifs which represent indigenous features of Trinidad and Tobago were selected and formally agreed to be used as the Coat of Arms of Trinidad and Tobago in 1962, in a design approved by the College of Arms.

The Birds represented on the Coat of Arms of Trinidad and Tobago are the Scarlet Ibis, the Cocrico (native to Tobago) and the Hummingbird.

The three ships represent the Trinity as well as the three ships of Columbus.

The three Peaks were principal motifs of Trinidad's early British Colonial Seals and Flag-Badges. They commemorated both Columbus' decision to name Trinidad after the Blessed Trinity and the three Peaks of the Southern mountain range, called the "Three Sisters" on the horizon.
The fruited Coconut Palm dates back to the great seals of British Colonial Tobago in the days when the Island was a separate administrative unit.
Our Motto - Together we aspire, Together we achieve" - speaks for itself and promotes harmony in diversity for national achievement.


The national flag was designed by the Independence Committee and selected to be used as the National Flag in 1962. Its colours are Red, White and Black.
Red is the colour most expressive of our country. It represents the vitality of the land and its people; it is the warmth and energy of the sun, the courage and friendliness of the people.
White is the sea by which these lands are bound: the cradle of our heritage; the purity of our aspirations and the equality of all men under the sun.
The Black represents for us the dedication of the people joined together by one strong bond. It is the colour of strength, of unity, of purpose and of the wealth of the land.
The colours chosen represent the elements Earth, Water and Fire which encompass all our past, present and future and inspire us as one united, vital, free and dedicated people.


The national flower, the Chaconia, called "Wild Poinsettia" or "Pride of Trinidad and Tobago" is a flaming red forest flower of the family Rubianceae. The title is in honour of the last Spanish Governor of Trinidad and Tobago Don Jose Maria Chacon. This flower, which is known by its long sprays of magnificent vermillion, will be in bloom on every anniversary of our Independence. As an indigenous flower it has been witness to our entire history. It can therefore be said to represent the imperishability of life and the continuity of our Nation.
With its colour matching the flaming red of our Flag and Coat of Arms and bearing the same symbolism, the Chaconia harmonizes with the other national Emblems.


The National Birds, which are represented on the Coat of Arms of Trinidad and Tobago, are the Scarlet Ibis, which represents Trinidad, and the Cocrico, which represents Tobago.

(Tantalus Ruber) - is to be found in the Caroni Swamp, Central Trinidad. This beautiful bird is brown when young and its colour changes to red when it is mature.


(Rufus Tailed Guan) is a native of Tobago and Venezuela but is not found in Trinidad. It is the only game bird on the island and is referred to as the Tobago Pheasant. It is about the size of a common fowl, brownish in colour with a long tail. They go about in flocks of about six (6) and their quaint calls can be heard especially on early morning and late evenings. Both birds are protected by law.


Forged from the love of liberty,
In the fires of hope and prayer,
With boundless faith in our Destiny,
We solemnly declare,
Side by side we stand,
Islands of the blue Caribbean Sea,
This our Native Land,
We pledge our lives to Thee,
Here every creed and race finds an equal place,
And may God bless our Nation,
Here every creed and race finds an equal place,
And may God bless our Nation.

Patrick S. Castagne composed the words and music of the National Anthem in 1962. The words of the National Anthem reflect the nature and the strength of the people of Trinidad and Tobago our courage as one nation working towards living in unity despite our diversity.
The National Anthem should be accorded the respect due to it when played, and on no occasion should it be treated with scant courtesy.
When the Anthem is being played all persons should pay respect to it by standing to attention. Men in civilian dress should remove their headdress. Commissioned Officers of the Armed Forces, Gazetted Officers of the Police Service, Cadet Force Officers and Officers of the Fire Services, Prisons Service, St John Ambulance Brigade, Red Cross Society, Boy Scouts Association and Girl Guides Association, in uniform are to salute. All other ranks and all other persons are to stand to attention.

Prepared by:
The Ministry of Public Administration And Information
#13-15 St Clair Avenue, Port of Spain,
Republic of Trinidad & Tobago
Tel: 868-622-1131

Next Meeting

Next Scheduled Meeting

The next meeting for the Trinidad & Tobago Club Windsor is scheduled for Sunday April 1st, 2007 at-1:30pm will be at SOBEY's on Tecumseh Rd E at Lauzon Pkwy

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Trinidad and Tobago Scenery

Trinidad and Tobago is a twin island republic off of the coast of South America. English is the primary language. The economy of Trinidad is based primarily upon oil, natural gas and finance. The economy of Tobago is based upon tourism.

Images of Trinidad

Even the animals take time to relax and enjoy life in the islands

Maracas Bay at sunset

The view of Port-of- Spain, the capital of Trinidad

The Savannah

Images of Tobago

Leather craft sandals

Fort King George

Sunset at a beautiful beach in Tobago

Balisier Tree
Humming Bird

Fishermen bringing in the day's catch

Glass bottom Boat on the Buccoo Reef

Immortelle Tree

Want to learn more about Trinidad and Tobago? Click here